Zazen is a practice in which you sit upright, regulate your breathing, and concentrate your mind. There are also many other meditation practices in Buddhism.
We have compiled a list of shukubo (temple stay) where you can experience zazen and meditation by region.
Tohoku area
Kanto area
Chubu area
Eiheiji Hakujukan temple stay (Fukui)
Kasuisai temple stay (Shizuoka)
Eisyouan temple stay (Ishikawa)
Takayama-Zenkoji temple stay (Gifu)
Daizenji temple stay (Yamanashi)
Zennoyu temple stay (Shizuoka)
Hokoji temple stay (Shizuoka)
Soujiji-Soin temple stay (Ishikawa)
Tyosyoji temple stay (Nagano)